Trots op Agnes en Rebecca!

Op 5 mei hebben Agnes en Rebecca hun 3 jarige kappersopleiding succesvol afgerond. We zijn trots op hen! Ze hebben er hard voor gewerkt en hebben het echt verdiend. Onderstaand bericht hierover ontvingen wij van weeshuisvader Daniel:

Dear All,
I want to inform you that on Thursday the 5th of May 2016, two are of our girls Agnes Eshun and Rebecca Anchor officially graduated by bringing their 3 year apprentice to an end.
A graduation ceremony was held for them and some of the staff, the children and myself attended the program. Agnes Eshun did wonderfully well by placing third among 30 graduants.
They were also lucky to have received a hair dryer from the member of parliament of Ahanta West.
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